Thursday, August 31, 2017

On Wednesday it was cross country. Eight to 11 year old  went to Rutherford Intermediate the track was bigger than I fort. When Mrs Steedman said on your marks get set go and clapped the clapper things I jogged all the way but at the end I sprinted I was really really puffed at the end but I still came first I felt excited at the end because I came first.
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The Duffy theatre

After morning tea room 3 went to the Duffy theatre. When room 3 went into the hall the school was singing a song called Moana. Then same of the class were singing along with them. The map of the world was funny because there was a Kiwi on top of the world. The costumes were amazing because the purple cape was sparkly. It looked like a special dress. The big lady in the middle was pretending to be rain and fire and she was pretending to be the boss. I enjoyed it because I felt I was part of the show.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Last Monday Room 3 went to the Gymnastics. I went on the air track. I jumped straight on the line in the middle. Then I jumped into the foam pit it was really fun. Then I went on the brown wooden bars. The Instructor said we had to change. My group went over to the coloured climbing wall. I reached the top but some rocks were hard.

Thursday, August 10, 2017



Shrek has an enormous smile like a  banana. His ears look like spoon shaped ears. His teeth are yellow. His fingers look like  fat sausages. His big red mouth looks like a juicy watermelon ready to eat. His two  eyes look like big brown marbles. Shrek's smile was as happy as a clown´s face. Displaying