Thursday, November 9, 2017

A moment in time

            A moment in time

On Tuesday it was athletics.

I saw kids running at long distances.
I saw people jumping up and down like kangaroos in their sacks.
I heard people shouting and laughing.
I heard people cheering and clapping.

I felt hot and sweaty.
I felt excited.

I wonder who won the 7 year old girls sprints?   

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Last Tuesday it was the Duffy role model assembly. The whole school went in the hall and there was someone special. Her name is Granny Jo. Then she showed the whole school a book that she wrote. I forgot the name of the book. There was boxes full of books Ms Bennett said Gemma and Liriyah please go and collect the Duffy books for our class.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

On Wednesday it was cross country. Eight to 11 year old  went to Rutherford Intermediate the track was bigger than I fort. When Mrs Steedman said on your marks get set go and clapped the clapper things I jogged all the way but at the end I sprinted I was really really puffed at the end but I still came first I felt excited at the end because I came first.
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The Duffy theatre

After morning tea room 3 went to the Duffy theatre. When room 3 went into the hall the school was singing a song called Moana. Then same of the class were singing along with them. The map of the world was funny because there was a Kiwi on top of the world. The costumes were amazing because the purple cape was sparkly. It looked like a special dress. The big lady in the middle was pretending to be rain and fire and she was pretending to be the boss. I enjoyed it because I felt I was part of the show.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Last Monday Room 3 went to the Gymnastics. I went on the air track. I jumped straight on the line in the middle. Then I jumped into the foam pit it was really fun. Then I went on the brown wooden bars. The Instructor said we had to change. My group went over to the coloured climbing wall. I reached the top but some rocks were hard.

Thursday, August 10, 2017



Shrek has an enormous smile like a  banana. His ears look like spoon shaped ears. His teeth are yellow. His fingers look like  fat sausages. His big red mouth looks like a juicy watermelon ready to eat. His two  eyes look like big brown marbles. Shrek's smile was as happy as a clown´s face. Displaying

Sunday, July 2, 2017

At the Beach

The mountain was still as a soldier on guard.

The children and people were making sand sculptures.

The salty water was crashing on the shore.

The children were making sand sculptures and I made Patrick´s house.

The sand sculptures were amazing with all their shells and pumice decorations.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Reflection 16/6

This week I enjoyed going to the Sarjeant Art Gallery because we got to make a sun. We got to make a moon and a star. The funniest part was the pictures on the wall because they had funny faces  on them. We got to make one too.

One of my challenges this week was cutting out the edges of my sun. It was really, really hard. We used a cup, a toothpick and tools to make decorations.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Gordons Bush

The trees at Gordon´s Bush were almost  as tall as the clouds.
On a stick there was fungi and it looked like a tasty waffle to eat.
Also it looked like a bee hive.
On the top of the  canopy there were insects and bugs and a spiky thing that looked like brown leaves.

There were shiny golden leaves up high in the middle of the massive tree.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Gordon´s Bush

Dear diary 26/5

On Wednesday  Room 3 and 4 went to Gordon´s bush on a bus. Before we left we had lunch. Also Ms Bennett gave my Mum a board it had a list of thing´s  and she gave a ipad  too. We had it for taking photo´s of tree´s sp  and fern´s  my Mum had Gemma me Kini and Kade. I holed a slug it was slimy it had babby´s. We found rock´s but we left them there by liriyah

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Weekly  Reflection 31/3

Something I enjoyed  this week was getting my Duffy chapter book because I am learning how to read a chapter book. Now I know how to read a chapter book.

Something I found challenging this week in writing was my hamburger plan Because when Ms Bennett was writing the words on the board I could not keep up.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Weekly Reflection 24/3

This week something I enjoyed was seasons in te reo because I think my picture was the best.

Something I found challenging this week was the picasso faces because it was hard to copy off the board picture.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Weekly Reflection 17/3

Something this week I enjoyed was going on the computers for reading eggs because I have 122 eggs .

Something I found challenging was ball skills because when I bounced the ball to the cones it kept slipping out of my hands.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Weekly Reflection 10/3/17

Something I enjoyed this week was catching and throwing large balls
With a partner  because l liked doing that.

Something I found challenging was maths because when I was doing dicey dice and rolled the dice I got confused for some reason.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Weekly Reflection 24/2
Something I enjoyed this week was reading because it’s fun and I liked the B story.  
Something I found challenging this week was the listening test in the hall because I got distracted easily.